Tuesday 28 September 2021

Unit 20: LO1

Gender Roles in Advertising


  • Mother
  • Wife
  • Object of desire
  • Weak
  • Socially Needy
  • User
  • Father
  • Husband
  • Provider
  • Strong
  • Independent
  • Creator
Ideal Self:  When an advert caters to peoples perfect image of themselves

Intertextuality: Texts that reference each other

Pastiche: It references to another famous media piece by using similar imagery/composition

Endorsement: Uses famous people/celebrities in the advert who are trusting/ good looking etc which creates that same opinion on the product

Call to Action: An advert that instructs the audience to make immediate change, sometimes societal 

L' Oreal - This is an Ad for men

The gender that this advertising campaign is aimed at is men which is different from the usual advertising campaigns that L' Oreal make which are usually aimed at a female audience. 

It uses a bold block capital title to stand out to men along side some "typically woman" products such as lipstick or nail polish. This is because it is creating a Call to Action to hire more woman in leadership positions

Inverse connotations, the advert uses objects that usually do not connotate masculinity along side a title that directly targets men to create a juxtaposition 

This advert wasn't removed by the ASA because  it didn't cause significant offensive or break any regulations.
There would be few ethical issues 

Tuesday 14 September 2021

It has to be Heinz: Creating Profit

 Advertising campaign: It has to be Heinz

Heinz are trying to change there target audience with this advertising campaign; The target audience is quite wide and targets an older audience from around 30-50 years old which is older than their previous target audience. This is because it is trying to change its image to a healthier look, in part because of the UK governments intiative to reduce high sugar foods. There would be no target gender because it is a popular food product. The PamCo target gradings would be higher than they were previously as it is reinventing itself as a more healthy, more premium product

TV Advert

Print Advert from a newspaper

Another Print advert 

Public Domain Advert - Bus Stop Advert

The core message of this campaign is to buy their products and that their products are healthy

Analysis of Heinz advert

This Magic Moment: Heinz TV Advert

The advert starts in chaos, there is a family fighting over the dinner table, ketchup is being spilt and shouting ensues, later on in the adverts they have stopped fighting and child 1 throws a ketchup dipped chip into the mums mouth as they laugh as a family. The message here is that the Heinz ketchup has brought the family together as it is a family friendly product.

Screenshot from an earlier scene in the advert, many quick cuts and heavy motion blur creates a chaotic atmosphere. A shallow depth of field 

Scene from later in the advert: The bluish tone of the window makes the chip stand out and easy to follow through the air, slow motion effect etc

How they escaped the ASA, like prey:

They avoided the ASA by not including anything offensive, not mentioning other brands and therefore not stating, explicitly or implicit, that their products are better than their competitors and they let the audience fill in the last word so that it didn't explicitly say that it was better than their competitors. They have avoided breaking any legal regulations or creating ethical issues so the ASA did not need to intervene.

Their adverts were visually appealing and funny so that it didn't need to be controversial to be effective. 

Their statement "It has to be" is arguably ethically wrong because it creates the impression that Heinz is the only suitable option, 

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Advertising Campaigns Examples


Print Advert: This is an advert that was printed in a newspaper, it 

LO2: Deconstructing a brief

 Brief: Bounce king is a new trampoline and bungee based fun park opening in the Sheffield area. Offers a range of activities from Olympic t...