Tuesday 9 November 2021

LO2: Deconstructing a brief


Bounce king is a new trampoline and bungee based fun park opening in the Sheffield area. Offers a range of activities from Olympic trampolining through to bungee dodgeball

Viral online campaign, Series of short videos and traditional public domain print campaigns,  Families and teens 13-19, giant facility, from Jan 2017

1: The objective of the campaign is to attractive people to their trampoline park

2: The TA is people who live in Sheffield, Families and Teens aged 13-19, 
     Target Audience is dictated by : Demographic, Their Interests, Needs

3: Need to only target people who live in the surrounding area, targeting the correct age range 

Aims and objectives: To get people to listen to their radio station

Who is TA: older audience with children who are older - Baby boomers,

Potential issues based on context: The songs are very famous so there could be copyright issues, copyright may have expired though. 

Tuesday 2 November 2021

LO2: Ideas Brainstorm

Target Audience is dictated by : Demographic, Their Interests, Needs

Target Audience is dictated by : Demographic, Their Interests, Needs

-Music Video/ Album - Listen to my new album- Music Video, Spotify Canvas, Album cover, Social Media account + posts

    How it would work, I would contact a number of small artists and offer to make a campaign for their upcoming songs/ albums, The theme of the music video/ Spotify canvas campaign would be very broad because music videos have no set theme, this would give me a lot of creative freedom, I could also create a social media account if they don't already have one and make some still image promos for their new song/album.

Possible slogans would vary massively depending on the theme of the songs or the genre.  

-Small Cafe/ Coffee Shop - Come to our cafe- Social Media, Website, Video, Event

-Bakery - Come to our Bakery- Social Media, Website, Video, Event

      How it would work (Bakery and Small Cafe grouped), I would make them a website or content for their existing website such as digital posters, make still image promos for their social media accounts and if they don't have one I would make one, I could also organise a promotional event at their cafe/Bakery in order to promote their business. 

Possible Slogans: "Irresistibly good" "  "Homemade, World Famous"    

Possible imagery: Yellows, Browns, warm colours 

Target Audience is dictated by : Demographic - 21 to 50, disposable income : Their Interests - Good food,   Needs

- Local Fruit Shop - Buy our fruit - Social Media Account + posts, Poster, Video

     How it would work, I would make a social media account for the business, make some posters which                        advertise their fruit shop, Make a trailer for them to post on Youtube or their new social media account.  This video could be CG or filmed. 

Possible Slogans: "As Fresh as can be"     

Possible Imagery: Greens and other colours with fresh connotations, Light theme- Sunlight, Healthiness 

Target Audience is dictated by : Demographic - 20 to 70, Healthy people: Their Interests - Good food: Needs - Will likely be working a lot so it needs to be open somewhat late 



Bounce king is a new trampoline and bungee based fun park opening in the Sheffield area. Offers a range of activities from Olympic trampolining through to bungee dodgeball

Viral online campaign, Series of short videos and traditional public domain print campaigns,  Families and teens 13-19, giant facility, from Jan 2017

LO2: Deconstructing a brief

 Brief: Bounce king is a new trampoline and bungee based fun park opening in the Sheffield area. Offers a range of activities from Olympic t...